What European integration is going to bring to Europe and to it´s people after five years

Hanna-Loora Pankin

9th grade


I think that by every year Europe developes in education, in culture, in economy and also in politics. New methods are being used in every way of life, all the time something new is being learned and people are being educated and so on. Now I am going to talk more about, what European integration is going to bring to Europe and to it´s people after five years.

I think that after five years education is going to have more important place than it has now and especially among young people. Nowadays mostly college students are using the opportunity to learn in some foreign European country, then I belive, that after five years that opportunity is being used by many high school students, because they want some alternation  to develop their language using skills, to find new friends and experience different cultures. Now youngsters do not think about their future and study properely, then after five years they´ll be definetly more dutiful an they´ll have their plans set for future. Because by every year more attention is being payed on education and there is more talking about how important studing really is.        

I belive, that in the European culture nothing won´t be changed very spertaculary after five years. But I do belive, that after five years all the European countries will co.operate more offenly- and there´ll be more common projects, creations and productions.

I have a feeling, that European economy isn´t in the best situation right now. Latery there is a lot of talk on the news about the threat of how European economy has a risk of dropping. However European economy is on a very thin line, it isn´t dropping and it also isn´t rising, so maybe economy will get more attention and it will be developed, so that after five years European economy would be in an excellent order. And maybe that time there´ll be more jobs available, bigger wages, the amount of unemployed persons will be smaller and soon. But I think that pensions will decrease, because there´ll be more pensioniers by every year and there won’t be enough  employed persons who would pay taxes and earn money to the country and that´s why the governments lower pensions. I also belive that, after five years all European countries will be using Euro, because it would make everybody´s lives more convenient - if you wish to travel, you do not have to consider how big is the course of money.

European Union is a well working political system. It is being often developed towards better and because European Union has an affect to every member´s politics seriously, then it is understandable the European politics develops by every year.  If now politics is in excellent order, then obviously it´s position after five years will be even better  that’s what I think.      

Those were my oppinions about what European integration will bring to Europe after five years, what will people do and how is life being arranged at that time.